13 weeks, 3 days

My lovely lady lump (and the mess in the back continues)

Weight since pre-pregnancy: +6.5 lbs (no difference since last week)
Waist since pre-pregnancy: +5 in (no difference here either)

No increased change in measurements this week is the result of my lack of appetite. The pregnancy symptom I’m still finding difficult to deal with is the continuous stuffy nose; it’s so difficult to breathe and when I feel short of breath, the combination leaves me feeling faint and dizzy. Headaches are more frequent and painful. Now I have a sore throat and allergies to add to the mix and am praying it isn’t the beginnings of a cold. Despite the aforementioned, it doesn’t get me down, because my energy levels are going up! I feel happier, want to go out and entertain again and am thrilled to finally refocus on the laundry list of things to do. Speaking of laundry, because the majority of my clothes are form-fitting to begin with, I’ve officially outgrown half my wardrobe. A little excuse for some retail therapy? Yes, please!

Nick, honey, get your shopping-bag-holding arms ready, because mami’s feeling a bit more energetic. Pregnancy glory days are on the horizon! ;)

Cool, it’s a life-size model of a 13 week old fetus

Baby’s approximately 3.5 inches now (size of a lemon) and weighing in at 1.5 ounces. Yam can make a fist and suck his/her thumb (CUTE), bones are solidifying, the umbilical chord has moved into its permanent location in the belly, and vocal chords are ready to go. I can feel little Yam! Not the kicking/moving yet, but rather my growing uterus. Due to the ongoing expansion, it rose above the pelvic bone and, unlike feelings of bloating or a full stomach that comes and goes, I can actually feel my uterus all the time. Sounds wild, I know. Let me try to explain it better: It feels exactly like what it is–a baseball-sized mass sitting inside my tummy a few inches below the belly button. It’s incredible and simply adds to the reality of all this baby-making magic.

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